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Friday, February 11, 2011

Glamour Shots

We have always known that Melanie photographs well, and now we know just how well. These pictures were taken on a day when she wasn't feeling well at all.She followed the photographer very well , and the pictures speaks for themselves

Vi har alltid visst at Melanie er fotogen, men naa vet vi hvor fotogen hun er. Disse bildene ble tatt paa en dag da hun var syk og ikke foelte seg vel i det hele tatt.Hun gjorde som fotografen saa og bildene taler for seg selv.


Myrna said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! This is our "little" Melanie??? She's beautiful. Her pictures are gorgeous. WOW!!

Jojo said...

Every young women should be allowed to be a princess for a day like that. She really is beautiful!